Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Rainforest Food Chain

Ages: 10-12
Publisher: Creative Education (July 2008)
Author: A.D Tarbo

Non Fiction

This book includes many important vocabulary word that should be learned such as adaptation, producer, and consume.  In the back of the book there is an index and a glossary that can be used to find a word or explain a definition if a child needs one.  Many animals are described in this book, children learn what they eat and how the food chain works.  Each vocabulary word in the book is underlined in green so that it can be easily found in the back of the book.

This book can be used in the classroom during many science lessons.  It can help students apply vocabulary words such as producer and consumer to a real life situation. A teacher could also use this book during a spelling lesson by taking words from the book and integrating a science and english lesson together.

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